
The Good Mayor /by Andrew Nicoll(“好市長”─  我找不到正式中文譯名,知道的請告知。)這不是唯美浪漫的廉價羅曼屎,從原書名實在也很難推斷內容,坊間也沒有大量書評參考(Amazon尚未上市)。我會買下這本書,只因大綱簡介說明了這是關於“一位市長單戀著他那已婚的女秘書”,而唯一的澳洲書評竟是 “詼諧有趣”。這聽起來像是一段不倫畸戀的肥皂劇,卻成了幽默作品,不由得讓我的觸角竄動,好奇心大增,想必作者文筆有獨特之處。當然啦,也剛好是在3 for 2架上的書目,所以放進了購物籃。



另外有兩位重要的配角,出現的場景與對話,在故事發展中都有舉足輕重的份量。一位是Golden Angel餐飲店老闆娘Mamma Cesare,她的人生經歴與散發出來的磁場,本身就相當奇特。另一位是Yemko Guillaume一個很有哲理與藝術觀感的律師,總是有一輛鬼魅似的私人轎車隨行,是個亦敵亦友令Tibo敬畏卻又不知所措的人物。這兩位可說是TiboAgathe關係演變的重要人物。




 我很喜歡這本書,更是因為作者用的文字真的是可幽默可細膩。他的幽默不是搞笑而是內斂型的,看似陳述簡單的一件事情,但卻有很詼諧的創意,從開頭幾頁介紹Dot市供奉的St. Walpurnia的事蹟,就可感覺出作者的另類幽默,這一段描述稍長,舉另一個例子好了。作者在描述Agathe對老公Stopak殘存的愛是這麼寫的:“She still loved him but not in the same way. Not that way. Now she loved him the way you love an old blind dog. A pitying sort of love. The sort of love that’s not quite strong enough to reach for the gun over the fireplace and do the kind thing.”。


故事佈景的鋪陳,也充滿了意境,翻著書頁逐字地唸著,讀者的腦海中不知不覺地也構想出一樣的畫面:積著薄雪響著鈴聲的電車街道,經過歲月洗禮的小書店,體積龐大走幾歩路便氣喘如牛的律師。再擷取一段敘述一間老字號的西服店,看看作者是怎麼藉著文字如吟詩般地帶出:“Kupfer and Kemanezic was only two shops away – a glazed door with a brown linen blind and a single, broad window with a moustached mannequin who had stood in the same spot, impassive as a sentry, never altering his pose or his coiffure since he took up his post these fifty years since, not when the summer sun beat through the glass all day and threatened to melt his wax moustache, not in the winter when he was forced to endure the humiliation of facing Albrecht Street as he modelled the lastest heavyweight combinations. He stood solid and steady thought it all, the embodiment of the kind of service a Kupfer and Kemanezic customer could expect. ”。


The Good Mayor /by Andrew Nicoll,好書推薦。


附註:以上引用本書出版社Fourth Estate / Harper Collins Publishers2008版本,第11頁與第200頁。